Thursday, August 28, 2008

Regarding Your Humble Correspondent

My name is James Jordan Enloe. I have always been known as "Jordan." I was born in Tallahassee, Florida on November 25, 1975, making me roughly the same age as the parents of my classmates (O.K., maybe that is a slight exaggeration--though I'm sure most of them aren't old enough to get the reference of this blog title). I grew up in Tallahassee until I was nineteen years old. You can see a map of my childhood neighborhood here. I played soccer for eleven years on real teams, and played lots of football and soccer in my back yard. I also spent a lot of time playing in the woods. Now, I prefer air conditioning and video games (although I am really itching to play soccer again). I joined the United States Air Force in 1995, and they moved me to San Antonio in August of that year. I am transferring as a Junior to Trinity after graduating from San Antonio College. The secret fact about me is that I'm a straight hard-rollin gangsta representin tha streetz. O.K., not really. My real secret fact is that I play drums and percussion. I played in rock bands in high school and have played on and off in church for almost thirteen years. Like many of you, I was suprised that I was required to take this course. I have worked in many administrative positions requiring a great deal of computer work, and had considered myself at least somewhat proficient in the use of personal computers. I am still looking forward to this course, however. There is always more to learn, and in particular, this class will focus on Office 07, a version I had never used at all until I downloaded the suite from Trinity. Feel free to get in touch with me by emailing me at


Lyn Belisle said...

Jordan, this is one of the most interesting blog entries I've read! I'm so glad you're in the class, and welcome any comments or suggestions you might have. You said, "I joined the United States Air Force in 1995, and they moved me to San Antonio in August of that year." Were you at Lackland?
Welcome to Trinity!
Ms. Belisle

Brian Pabian said...

That is so cool that you have been in the Air Force for so long, that is quite an achievement.

p.s It must be hard to root for a team that only wins one game a season haha

chiara said...

Jordan, on my blog you asked me how to pronounce my name. It's like "Key-ara", just pretend there's no "h" in it :)

Tasha said...

Jordan I'm so envious that you can play the drums, I've always wanted to! I've put learning how to play them as one of the things on my life's to-do list :)

Tasha said...

Well no, not exactly my own pet lion (I wish) but my friends own the game park that rears the lion cubs from birth. I also rode on the back of an elephant there. You should come to Africa sometime, it's a beautiful place Jordan!

Ian said...

Spock it and lock it? Really? In all seriousness, it's fun to sit next to ya buddy.